The Rise of the Momprenuer

At a very young age, I knew what career path I wanted to pursue.  I loved politics, and at that time, I was completely untarnished by the stress that came with the field. International politics was always my passion, and as such, I signed my intent to pursue my Bachelors Degree in Comparative Politics as well as my Masters following that in the same focus.

I knew not where that career path would take me, but I did know whenever it was that God blessed me with children, they would gain my complete focus and devotion.  After some years in the Michigan Senate, I was blessed with my true dream; marriage to the love of my life and a miracle baby following cancer and chemo.

I started this post with a little background because I think it is something many of you mommies can relate to.  It is so very easy for we, as women and mothers, to be completely selfless. I sat there one day and thought, my day consists of waking up, making coffee and packing my husband’s lunch, making a bottle for Huck and oatmeal for Grace, baths, getting dressed, reading, playing, eating again, naps, washing bottles, starting dinner, feeding dinner, getting pajamas on, reading, brushing teeth, and bedtime, all while cleaning the house in the available minutes. AND I LOVE IT!  But…when was it I showered last?  I think I should try to remember to brush my hair before I go to bed. I have worn it up for days…Wait did I ever eat dinner?  Man, I still have to pee from hours ago.

As a stay at home mom, I am completely fulfilled.  For the first time in my life, I am not searching for more, and I know I never will.  I am fulfilled watching my babies grow each day, teaching them new things, cleaning, doing dishes, doing laundry, and wiping butts! I am truly HAPPY.

Being fulfilled and not needing more however, doesn’t mean we can’t include something in our lives that is for us.  As of late, we have all seen an explosion of at home (or turnkey) businesses; this explosion I call the rise of the MOMPRENUERS.

Why has there been this rise?  I think it includes but isn’t limited to some of the following:

  • We are able to give our complete focus to our kids, but come nap time and bedtime, we are able to carve out enough time to do something (non wiping butts related) that we truly enjoy.
  • We are able to make a little money to contribute to the income. Ladies, we contribute every bit of ourselves to our family, 24/7.  I am the first to understand though (especially after have my own career, 401k plan etc.), it sucks to have to ask your husband for money.  I HATE IT.
  • We are able to spend a little more time on us, and in turn, our kids benefit.  The past few weeks, I have made an effort to take care of myself too.  I do my hair, put a little makeup on, and bought something for MYSELF for the first time in two years that wasn’t maternity related.  TWO YEARS!!!  I am a super budget conscious person.  My husband and I have laid out very strict budgets for everything, and we stick to them. That being said, I think it is important for my kids to see me taking care of myself so they grow to take care of themselves too.
  • We are forced to do something other than clean once the kids are asleep.  It sounds silly, but nourishing our brains is important too!
  • As stay at home moms, we are sometimes very isolated from the world and our friends.  Our lives are 100% about our children.  With businesses essentially fueled by online means, we are able to connect with friends, and make new ones, all while being able to run upstairs to cuddle a restless baby.
  • I think it is healthy for our significant others to see us excited about something and taking care of ourselves.  We not only feel more confident about ourselves, we are more exciting to them as well when we feel a sense of independence.

I have been so uplifted by watching my fellow mommies go for it, and I love helping to support their business!  From LuLaRoe to Usborne and many many more, I have loved seeing my fellow mommies harness their passion, and I am excited to do that myself through Usborne Books.

Let me add this because some of you may be feeling this way too.  For a long while, I thought that after getting a undergraduate degree and a graduate degree, having a career, starting a nonprofit, and largely considering myself an intellectual, it would be “beneath my potential” to start “one of those from home fads.”

But you know what is far more important than credentials?  Happiness.

So to the attorney who decided to stay home and raise her babies and has a LOVE of fashion: GO for that LuLaRoe business!  And love every minute of it.

To the teacher who was able to stay home with her babies (much like my own mom) and wants to harness her love for children and literacy: Go for that Usborne Books business! Take heart in helping to spread literacy and adventure to countless children still!

Whatever business it is that you pursue, let yourself come alive doing it.  Congratulations on being blessed to stay home with your babies.  It is a gift many aren’t able to experience and one that I will never take for granted. And when that (or those) sweet gifts are down for the night, set down the mop and do something that makes you smile.

You ARE able to spend some time on yourself without feeling guilty. You are worth it.

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