For the love of pouches- The Infantino Squeeze Station

I have seen many posts shared among my mommy friends about the Infantino Squeeze Station.  My baby food making posts will be a tad out of order as I am starting this when my first is a toddler and my second isn’t yet on solids.  But that’s ok!  Because I had planned on writing a post about it, I decided this was a great time to do so!  Let me start by saying, WE LOVE IT!

As soon as we started Grace on solids (a little after 5 months), I made a promise to myself that I would make everything that went into her body.  Perhaps my fervor for this came from not being about to breastfeed.  I wanted something to be natural and unprocessed for her!  So far today, she has NEVER had store bought baby food, aside from the prune pouch emergency!  I also wanted to make the most of our budget with me as a stay at home mom.

Once she became bored with the everyday “mom feeding me puree with a spoon bit,” we decided to give the squeeze station a try.  My initial thought was to use them to make yogurt pouches.  Grace was and still is obsessed with yogurt, and man is whole milk baby yogurt expensive!


I started by making the yogurt pouches.  They were perfect!  In using my baby food processor ( I will talk about this in another post!),  I was able to use large containers of whole milk yogurt and mix it with her favorite fruits!  Such a win win!  I made many pouches and froze them all in the Infantino Freezer Container.  (This container also works wonderfully to store breastmilk bags!)  Each night, I would bring down a couple pouches for her to eat the next day.  That way, you never have to worry about them going bad before using them.

Although we started using them with yogurt, you can order the Infantino attachable spoon and start using it right away (after your baby’s gone through the initial slow tasting and allergy testing period).  These pouches would be wonderful for any puree (recipes to follow in many subsequent posts).  I would just add a little more breastmilk, formula, or water to each puree so there aren’t any issues while squeezing it through the pouch.

Lately, Grace has loved both homemade applesauce and smoothies in her pouches.  And, aside from an occasional splatter, she’s gotten pretty good at using them!

For the applesauce, I stick to a very simple recipe.  Apples and cinnamon.  It has been the same since starting solids (aside from waiting to add in the cinnamon until we made sure she wasn’t allergic to apples).  We steam the apples and then puree them.  Afterward, the cinnamon is added.


The smoothies are very simple as well!  Although fresh fruits and veggies are always best, that is often hard to come by.  Frozen fruits and veggies are also amazing.  They are picked and frozen at peak freshness so you don’t have to worry about that hidden mushy mess at the bottom of your berries! I steam those for a short amount of time to soften them and then puree them.  Then, I add in yogurt.  Any type works, although be careful of the sugar content.  Some may also say zero sugar.  BE CAREFUL to make sure they’re not full of artificial sugar.  Even worse for you!


I am so excited for you to try these products!  We parents need to make our lives easier in an way we can! Please share with me your recipes once you try it out.

Here are the links for the products on Amazon.  Good luck!

Squeeze Station

Squeeze Pouches:

Attachable Spoon:

Freezer Storage Container

One thought on “For the love of pouches- The Infantino Squeeze Station

  1. Emily A. says:

    We love our pouch station from Infantino too! We’ve been using it since our 18 mo old was 6 months and like you said, works soooo well! Aldi has great deals on Organic whole milk yogurt, applesauce, and frozen fruit/veggies. Sometimes they have organic canned fruit veggies that we use too. Favorites over here are mango, papaya, bananas, spinach, kiwi, beets, carrots, and peas!

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